The Nanorestart final meeting which will be held at the National Museum of Denmark (Copenaghen) on November 2018 has been officially selected as one of the initiatives to celebrate the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage is to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe's cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. You can find more information about the EYCH and the list of the events taking place all around Europe on the official website. 

We are pleased to inform you that a NANORESTART workshop on the use of nano materials for the protection of modern bronze and plastic works of art will be held in Rome, Area di Ricerca Roma 1 -  CNR, via Salaria km 29.3, Monterotondo, on 22nd-23rd March 2018.

The workshop was organised by ISMN, IPCB and DSCTM CNR institutes and will report on the advancement on WP4 of the Project.

The workshop participation is free.

Organizators: Gabriella Di Carlo (CNR-ISMN), Gabriel Maria Ingo (CNR-ISMN), Marino Lavorgna (CNR-IPCB) e Luigi Ambrosio (CNR-IPCB)

Please download the flyer and the programme of the workshop.

The annual meeting held in Goteborg, Sweden, on 9th-10th June, was an unique opportunity to share and discuss about the results obtained by NANORESTART researchers during the first year of activity. The partners were hosted by CUT and AKZO, which also organized a nice dinner on a boat. Here you can find a gallery of picture taken during the event.

The IDEAL Center for Innovation of Lafayette College in collaboration with the CSGI, coordinator partner of NANORESTART, with the support of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation recently presented a two-day workshop at the Allentown Art Museum of the Lehigh Valley.

The workshop was entitled "Nanotechnologies for Cultural Conservation: Current Trends and Practices" and it provided a unique opportunity to introduce North American cultural and educational institutions to the scientific, nano-based protocols for conservation, which are the core of the research of NANORESTART.

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