A poster illustrating the most recent results of the Project was presented in the context of the EuroNanoForum 2017 Conference, held in La Valletta, Malta on 21-23 June.


Here a link to the Conference website.

A review about the four-day workshop on Nanotechnologies in Conservation held at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn last January, was posted by Jessica Walthew to the AIC blog.

The workshop focused on some of the technologies CSGI developed for conservation of cultural heritage: gels, microemulsions, and nanoparticle solutions. Conservators specializing in varied disciplines from institutions and private practices on the east coast attended the workshop.

Some of NANORESTART partners, together with the Center for the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage “La Venaria Reale” and IGIIC are organizing a workshop aimed to explore the world of nanosystems applied to the conservation of cultural heritage, creating a conference that focuses onthree essential sections:

  • Four practical workshops around the application methodologies and the use of some nanosystems
  • Lectures and presentations on the theoretical, research and implementation aspects of nanomaterials
  • A final debate on the validation protocols involved when a new material is proposed to the world of conservation

The event will take place in Turin (Italy), Venaria Reale - CCR Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale, Thursday, 11th-12th May 2017.

For further information, please, visit this link.

In January 2017, Piero Baglioni and Rodorico Giorgi (CSGI) lectured on the EU-funded project NANORESTART, during  a four-day workshop on Nanotechnologies in Conservation at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.

The workshop focused on some of the technologies CSGI developed for conservation of cultural heritage: gels, microemulsions, and nanoparticle solutions. Conservators specializing in varied disciplines from institutions and private practices on the east coast attended the workshop.

For further information, please visit www.conservators-converse.org.